AC Current Shunts
Includes Accredited Calibration
- <1 mA to 100 A, DC to 100 kHz
Ohm-Labs’ CSA series of coaxial ac current shunts are designed as calibration standards for ac current measurement up to high frequencies. Lower current CSA shunts may be used as AC resistance standards.
CSA shunts are optimized for 1 volt output. Standard models provide overlapping ranges to cover nearly all measurement applications.
Up to 2 A, specially constructed foil elements provide low inductance and flat frequency response.
Above 2 A, unlike other commercially available ac shunts, which use chip resistors in a ‘cage’ construction, Ohm-Labs uses a true coaxial foil design, for close ac-dc conformance up to 100 A at 100 kHz.
Careful heat treatment and characterization of the foil resistance alloy gives low temperature coefficients, for minimal change with 0-100 % applied current.
Potential connection is type N male. Current up to 10 A is type N female. 20, 50 & 100 A current connection is with LC female connectors.
Coaxial Tee connnectors, 10 A or 100 A rated, allow comparison calibration of AC shunts.
CSA-Shunts are available as a set (CSA-Set), including connectors and transit cases.
All shunts include ISO/IEC 17025 Accredited Calibration through full dc current and ac-dc difference up to 100 kHz.
CSA Coaxial Shunts are from center pin to shell, in parallel with a source or measuring unit. Coaxial AC Standard Resistors for series connection from center pin to center pin are available
Ohm-Labs shunts are warranted for two years.
Model | Rated Amps | Resistance | DC Accuracy * |
10 kHz | 100 kHz |
CSA-0.1 | 0.1 Amp | 10 Ohms | <0.01 % | <20 ppm | <50 ppm |
CSA-0.2 | 0.2 | 5 | <0.01 | <20 | <50 |
CSA-0.5 | 0.5 | 2 | <0.01 | <20 | <50 |
CSA-1 | 1 | 1 | <0.02 | <20 | <50 |
CSA-2 | 2 | 0.5 | <0.02 | <20 | <50 |
CSA-5 | 5 | 0.199 - 2.01 | <0.02 | <20 | <50 |
CSA-10 | 10 | 0.099-0.101 | <0.02 | <20 | <150 |
CSA-20 | 20 | 0.048 - 0.052 | <0.02 | <50 | <200 |
CSA-50 | 50 | 0.0195 - 0.0215 | <0.05 | <100 | <300 |
CSA-100 | 100 | 0.009 5 - 0.010 5 | <0.05 | <200 | <500 |
CSA-Tee | 10 A Coaxial SeriesTee | CSA-T100 | 100 A Coaxial Tee | ||
CSA-Set | 10 Shunts 0.1-100 A, 10 A & 100 A Tees, Adapters, Transit Case | ||||
CSA-mA | 0.1 mA to 50 mA AC Resistors | <0.01 % | <100 ppm |
- Resistance: Coaxial foil construction results in variations of actual resistance. The measured value should be used for dc.
- DC Accuracy includes 10-100 % applied current, plus 18-30 °C operation, plus expected 12 month stabiility:
- CSA-0.1 to CSA-2 specifies overall resistance accuracy.
- CSA-5 to CSA-100 is maximum deviation from dc resistance measured at 50 % power. For example, a CSA-100 with resistance of 9.980 milli-ohms will be within 0.05 % of 9.980 from 10-100 % current, 18-30 °C, 12 months.
- CSA-Set includes all 10 CSA-Series Shunts from 0.1 A to 100 A, plus CSA-Tee coaxial 10 A Series Tee, CSA-T100 100 A Series Tee, Post to LC and LC to Type N adapters, plus fitted transit cases for the CSA-Set
- A limited set up to 20 A has been developed for higher precision applications. Specify CSA-20-Set. This set is packaged in a custom fitted transit case, and includes 11 CSA-Series shunts from 10 mA to 20 A.
Related Products
Additional Resources
Resistance Standards | Precision Shunts | Instruments | High Voltage Dividers | Resistors | Calibration
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